Clair Anderson

Be your own kind of beautiful

Approved Reiki Training Provider  imageApproved Reiki Training Provider  image

Hi 😊😊  I’m
Clair. Founder of be your own kind of beautiful - 

Wellness Center 
Well Being Day  
Reiki  Training Academy 

Co founder of The Soul Cafe Online. 


A human being - or rather a spiritual
Being having a human experience 😊

A mum - of 3 beautiful  ones

A nannie- of 2 gorgeous little ones 

A wife of the less conventional kind… we don’t live  together but we do life together as a team❀️  

A cat owner that is in fact  totally owned by her  catπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

A daughter 

A woman, with a mission to be my own kind of beautiful regardless of what society says I ‘should be’
Or should do.
On  a mission to inspire you to be your own kind of beautiful too. 

Obsessed with all things well being 😊
I have been an avid implementer of ‘do what you can with where you are at and with what you got’ 

I have many chronic physical health
Conditions that slow me
Down, but never hold

I’ve experienced & overcome
Crippling anxiety & depression, PTSD 
A negative mindset
A soul destroying marriage
Thyroid cancer
A decade of undiagnosed illness 
The Food banks & Pinch loo roll kinda poverty 

I could be an agony aunt πŸ€ͺ

I’m not. I’m a Reiki & Meditation Teacher. & NLP Life Coach 

But all of this experience is what drives me to help others take their power back and help themselves to help themselves. 
Reiki allows me to live well despite my health issues. 
Infact being on a constant self healing and rising back mission - my health issues are the driving force behind everything I do!

I am dedicated to my
Path, I’m here to serve, so much so I actually
Married the universe at crosby beach a couple
Of years ago πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ» with my little people and a statue 
As my witnesses 😊😊

Be your own kind of beautiful, was a dream I had of ‘passionate about your well-being’ teachers and therapists all  available
In one place so that you can explore and experiment and find the well-being magic that works for you. 
Right on your doorstep. 

But also as a platform for new passionate teachers and therapists to find their feet. And get their magic out to the world.
Supporting with a space to work from. advertising, marketing, and any advice I can help with in getting started in business.

My passion, is Reiki.
I teach Reiki - group classes and one2one training in the studio. 
Once a year I run an online Reiki Training adventure 😍 

You can join me for all things Reiki in my free fb group πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Be Reiki

Loadsa love & Reiki hugs 
Clair πŸ˜ŠπŸ’«βœ¨πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’›

What is Reiki?  image
Reiki is The art of connecting to, harnessing and channelling the magic that is Life Force Energy.

I have a free video series “Intro to Reiki” you can access it Here

There are 3 level’s of the Reiki Journey.

level 1 is about connecting to life force energy, self healing, discovering Reiki.

At level 2 practitioner level.
We discover distant Reiki & Reiki symbols. you can get insured and practice on completion of level 2

Reiki Master Teacher is the 3rd & final level of Reiki.
You learn the master symbol, and how to attune others to Reiki.
so that you can go on and teach others the magical art of Reiki πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»

Reiki Practitioner Refresher & Reiki Master Refresher.
These are bespoke 121 training days designed around your needs. To fill in the gaps in your knowledge and prepare you for practicing / teaching Reiki Confidently and with all the tools you need to take the next step on your Reiki journey.
Or to get you back in to Reiki if it’s been awhile since you did your training. 
  • 10 Bruche Heath Gardens, Padgate, Warrington, England, United Kingdom

Akashic Records Journeying

Access your Akashic Records

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Deep Dive in to Distant Reiki

online course

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Reiki Level 1 Training

Traditional Usui Reiki Level 1

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Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

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Reiki Master Teacher Training

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Reiki Retreat

Join me for a day of Reiki Immerse in the Energy Meet like minded people

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Be your own kind of beautiful

Therapy Room & Studio available to hire

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Be your own kind of beautiful Reiki Training Academy

Traditional Usui Reiki Training Approved Training Provider

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Well Being Day

2nd Saturday every month at the old school WA1 3AJ FINALmonthly Well being day 13th July 2024

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Soul Cafe Online

connect Learn & Grow. TOGETHER

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Reiki Refresher Bespoke 121 Training

Reiki Practitioner Refresher Reiki Master Teacher Refresher

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Reiki & Relaxation Session

Book yourself in for some bliss 1 hour of Bespoke Meditation & Reiki

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Distant Reiki

Reiki wherever in the world you are

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B12 Injections

B12 Injections available at be your own kind of beautiful.

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